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KICPAA ATQ LEARNING HUB is the first accounting qualification program that provides online training materials on mobile apps and websites.

Take your ATQ study journey to the next level with our app. Study anywhere, anytime with some additional updates on accounting law, regulations and events all-in-one place.

This app features includes:

- ATQ E-study texts
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Mock Exams
- Law & Regulations
- Trainings & Events
- E-certificate and Results
- Info about ATQ Training Organizations
- Notifications and reminders
- Billing & Payment related to ATQ program And more.

About Accounting Technician Qualification (ATQ) program
Developed by KICPAA with technical support from ICAEW and funded by Russian Federation and UNDP Cambodia. ATQ program enables students to shorten their study time and they can study at their own place. Students from everywhere in Cambodia can study with training organizations or themselves through KICPAA ATQ Learning Hub.

ATQ is the examination-based qualification for the skill recognizing at the technician level of accounting. After passing the first two subjects, students will become competent bookkeepers which the employment market is in need of.

Only one independent and non-profit institution in Accounting and Auditing profession in Cambodia, established by Law and Regulations since 2003 to protect the public interest and the interest of profession; to govern its members through professional capacity development; to enhance compliance with standards, professional codes of conduct, rules and regulations; and to develop and manage professional accounting education programs.